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Results Days

A-Level Results Day - Thursday 14th August 2025 
GCSE Results Day - Thursday 21st August 2025

If a student cannot attend in person on results day, someone else can collect their results on their behalf.  The student will need to provide them with a signed note giving permission for the named person to collect their results, and the person will need to bring this note along with a form of ID showing their own name. Copies of results can be emailed to students if requested, however please note, it may not be possible to send results via email until the afternoon of each results day. Alternatively, students can provide a pre-paid self-addressed envelope prior to the day for their results to be posted out to them (please note, results cannot be sent until the actual results date, so won’t be received by the student until after the results day).

Exam certificates for Summer 2024 will be available to collect from school from the middle of December 2024.  These will not be posted home.  If a student would like someone to collect these on their behalf, they must provide a signed letter of consent from the student along with a form of ID showing their own name.

We also have a large amount of certificates remaining from previous years which date back to the Summer of 2013 which can also be collected. 

All certificates can be collected by attending the main reception without an appointment, but to avoid having to wait, please email with your name, date and time you are planning to come in, so we can have everything ready for you.

Instructions for Candidates
Please click here to watch the video for further information.

Click here to read through and familiarise yourself with the JCQ Information for Candidates documents.