Uniform Expectations
We want every student within our Academy to go on and thrive in a competitive world and lead successful and fulfilling lives. Our high expectations will prepare students to meet the future challenges that they will face.
A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students. Parents/carers should be aware that any student arriving at the Academy wearing incorrect uniform can expect a sanction unless a parent/carer can bring the correct uniform and rectify the issue. In some instances, students in non-Academy uniform will have the opportunity to borrow the missing item.
It is essential that we maintain high standards in the Academy, and this starts with their Academy uniform. We have attached a guide so that the guidance is clear on our uniform, including how it should be worn and examples of acceptable uniform. We have given a list of outlets where uniform can be purchased (including the details of our official uniform supplier) and some guidance on acceptable footwear. This list is not exhaustive, so please do not assume that if a retailer describes its range as ‘school wear’, that it matches our requirements.
Our full uniform expectations can be viewed below:
Old uniform; ties, blazers, PE kit etc can be donated to Maltby Academy.
If you have any uniform that you can donate, please could you drop this in at Main Reception.
We hope to support families by supplying them with any uniform that they may need. If you do need support, please email info@maltbyacademy.org.uk